Law Enforcement Training Commission (LETC)
Law Enforcement Training Commission (LETC)
This certification has become more important than ever. If you are paying attention, we are in a phase where mass incarceration and detention is happening. Under new mandates, agencies like ICE, and CBP, are charged with detaining up to 1500 illegal resident a day. Where are they going to go? Chances are, your agency could be impacted with additional detainees which inevitably increases the number of Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assault allegations against your officers and your agency. Federal Law requires that everyone, responsible for detainment and incarceration, complete this training. the federal law is called PREA 2003. The Prison Rape Elimination Act 2003. And don't let the word 'Prison' mislead you. This law impacts any and every lockup in the country.
Dr. Paris H. Spencer
Tracey Dotson
Darryl Rivers
PREA Investigator Certification is one of the most sought after training in Corrections. Agencies struggle to locate this training and often have to travel across the country to attain it, if they can find it. We solved this by offering the most comprehensive training in the country. As with all other train-the-trainer training, your trainers teach the class under our instruction. We will then spend a sufficient amount of time going through the interview process with victims, perpetrators, and witnesses. For the first time, for many agencies, you will be able to train your own investigators in-house using our content and certification. This has been a long time coming. We are already certifying trainers from local, state, and federal agencies.
Dr. Paris H. Spencer
Michael Sanchez
Darryl Rivers
Some of the concerns that typically goes unaddressed are those things that have simple fixes, and yet we don’t fix them. Unfortunately, its these very same concerns that land us in preventable lawsuits which have enormous cost, they always do. Though the Prison Rape Elimination Act was signed into law in 2003, and finally enhanced and revised in 2012, 75% of agencies are out of compliance. Simple fix, ensure that all staff, including contractors and volunteers, have been certified in accordance with the standards. Additionally, individuals assigned to investigate sexual harassment and sexual abuse cases, must be certified to investigate cases in confinement settings. The consequence of this should not be realized when an investigator and/or corrections officer is testifying in court.
Where and from whom you receive this information is important, having individuals knowledgeable about PREA (PREA Coordinator) is one way to monitor compliance. Your Training Department should also be monitoring and ensuring compliance. The PREA Coordinator has enormous responsibilities, but, for the most part, serves at the agency’s PREA Encyclopedia, and as a PREA Compliance Officer. The is much cooperation needed for an agency to be successful, so keep in mind, the magnitude of noncompliance. From mental health to medical, from contractors to volunteers, the coordinator must know who is currently certified, and who needs to be certified. With about 48 standards and four times as many sub-standards, there is a lot to keep up with. Also, the availability and need for resources is usually minimal as some resources are provided for free. We will teach the coordinator all they need to know to keep their agency in compliance.
The seriousness of Sexual Harassment and Sexual Abuse is as serious as it would be for non-incarcerated individuals. Failure to understand the significance, can result in costly and even tragic outcomes. Because we are staffed with the best, in the country, our Judges and Attorneys on staff, have weighed-in on this and determined that risk of not being compliant could potentially initiate or even enhance an already existing Consent Decree. If you have not been worried about this, now is the time to extinguish any worry, by being in compliance.
PREA Coordinator training encompasses other practices and expectations as well, so PREA Training is not solely about Sexual Harassment ad Sexual Abuse, it’s also about work-ethic, professionalism, appropriate interactions between inmates and staff and staff and staff, reporting systems, and most importantly, prevention. Because of compliance, you may not always know what you’ve prevented, but being out of compliance, you will know then, that compliance would have been the best practice.
Christy Slauson Vincent
Yvette Young
This training is designed for individuals working in the field of Corrections (Prisons, Jails, and Detention Facilities). The training focuses on the current laws (City, State, and Constitutional). We will address specific case law and how such laws run parallel with facility policy, procedures, and regulations). Examples of training topics will include PREA, PREA Investigations, Constitutional rights of inmates, Use of Force, Excessive Force, Accommodations for Disabilities, and so forth. In this course, we will address the legal consequences that Corrections Officers face when violations occur including Terminations, Suspensions, and Incarcerations as well as the importance of consistency as it relates to stabilizing and maintaining a safe and secure prison. We will discuss how illegal activities, including contraband and illegal substances poses significant risk to facility staff and inmates. Lastly, we will discuss specifically, examples of behaviors and unfavorable actions and interactions that lead to increase liability.
Dr. Paris H. Spencer
Tracey Dotson
The objective of this course is to provide De-sensitivity for new officers and staff to improve their understanding of how confinement impacts inmates/residents and officers. This course helps to prepare the new officer for what’s ahead and provide assures that, in understanding the psychology of confinement, you understand the nature and influence confinement has on the safe and secure operations of the facility. When an officer truly understands the dynamics of their facility, and have been appropriate opposed to this new environment, the officer is more likely to be compliance with policy, training and will impact tenure (retention and recruitment). How we work significantly impacts the number of incidents, the entry of contraband, the safety and security of the facility, and most importantly, how others work.
When we see behavior, especially behavior that is against social norms or our norms, it can be rather shocking. We want the recruit to experience this from the perspective of, “Many inmates/residents, have not history of the incarcerated behavior being exhibited. Meaning, inmates who have not been historically violent, have not engaged in same sex relations, not have used drugs or experienced the mental and psychological behavior does not have they been in detention before.
Dr. paris h. Spencer
Darryl Rivers
Contact me to Schedule a Confidential Consultation
Dr. Paris H. Spencer (DPS) 731-694-2568
To Register or to Host Classes contact Dr. Paris H. Spencer at 731-694-2568
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